Tuesday, February 08, 2005

blessed be your year

they say, KUNG HEY FAT CHOI!

well, it should come true, it ought to come true and may g give us all the strength to make it happen. yeah, that too. making it happen, determinism, whatever. there's so much to hope for despite the sham certain cretins are peddling about what we are as a country. looking at their faces, contemplating their pasts, you would wonder how these low lifes can afford to mouth those pitiful excuse for words and propaganda. well, to hell with them and if they don't want kung hey fat choi, so be it! as for us, the hopefulites, come let's celebrate!!! more power to all of you, may your year be full of blessings!!! and praise to all you will accomplish this year, as well as those things you wisely decide undone!

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