Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Asset Handling Plan

DEVELOPMENT PROJECTIONS.  Cyberpark Group invites investors to invest in any one or combination of components of the Techno Hub Projects (THP). The first folio of projects are shown below

         Resource Recovery

Consuls Club Products

                  Gold Card                             Platinum Card                               Silver Card

Techno Hub Projectswill be completed with an initial budget schedule of US$1.5 Billion by the year 2018. Development begins in 2013-2014. The fund schedule for the entire THP is the mobilization and utilization of the fund in eight tranches.

PARAMETERS.  Investments may be treated as capital infusion for capex or else as a credit enhancement facility. As capex, the funds may be put to use and as credit enhancement, the investments will merely be posed at the THP bank coordinates and no lifting of the funds shall be done.

Friday, March 01, 2013

The Mapping Center Project

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Building the Philippines-Asia Pacific GIS Center in Taguig

The first GIS based Center in the Philippines for Asia Pacific will be built in Taguig City in cooperation with the public sector.  The letter of intent was submitted to the owner of the property in Taguig on February 26, 2013 while a technical working group conference was held in Quezon City.

This Center will be a facility for undertaking database development to evolve a GIS for environmental data, soil, water and flood or tsunami as well as liquefaction, forest, earthquake, among many other purposes.

Its main function is to establish ecological parameters for building new structures, sustaining or maintaining habitats, possible relocation of old structures or communities and most of all, readiness for potential calamities in this part of the world or disasters that will possibly affect the entire planet.

Design and construction will be undertaken by a competent local civil works undertaker and technology will be sourced from the United States, Europe (France, Germany, Ukraine, Russia and other countries like Canada, Australia, Korea, Japan as well as China.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Scheme for Fleurdelis Green Heights Village