Saturday, December 04, 2004

to center

they say that it was the ancient chinese used to pluck growth-retarded trees and the piece of hard rock upon which they grew, their trunks and branches gnarled from severely stunted development. they placed these at a conspicuous spot in their homes. it is said, that the tree that survived such harsch environment reminded them of how men and women should be possessed of spirit formidable, an uncommon courage and endurance to withstand all the odds in the world. the japanese got caught - smitten might be the right word - and now they are the foremost practitioners of the art of bonzai making. they even improved it with the ikebana. in these times, it soothes me to reflect upon the lessons one can cull from both the bonzai and the ikebana. not only do they strengthen my resolve, provide one with a rare inspiration. most of all, they help me in centering my affairs, my life. i wish it were so for my associates as well.

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